
Magicard has been making top of the line card printers for nearly three decades. With a range of direct-to-card and retransfer printers, they have fast, secure, and reliable card printers to meet the needs of any organization. With their 3-year MagiCover Plus warranty and online upgrades, you can rest assured that your card printer will meet your needs for years to come.

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Magicard Prima 8

Retransfer Card Printers

Magicard's retransfer printer line create photo-quality, over-the-edge cards with high-volume delivery. Perfect for enterprise, government, and financial identity applications. With their retransfer printers, you have the ability to add holographic overlaminates to your cards with UV film options.


 Magicard 300

Direct-to-Card Printers

Magicard's line of direct-to-card printers maximize card security without reducing card printing speed. Their HoloKote® watermark increases visual security, offering 3 standard designs with the option to create 3 additional custom watermarks. Beyond visual security, they offer magnetic stripe and smart card encoding. Perfect for organizations of any size